Well it's official, Rann Elementary is a TEA Exemplary Campus! I am so proud for each of you, it was a long time coming and very deserving. At times like this you reflect upon what was it that made this year different from the past years, and why did it take so long for Rann to get here? I don't have the answer as none of us do, but we each have our thoughts as to possible reasons why. Last year Dr. Gindt came to me when they were beginning to think about who would be the principal at Young. We discussed the possibility of me moving over there, would have loved the new building and stuff..., but I told him that I felt Rann needed consistency, and change of admin again would not be a good thing, however I would do whatever he felt was best for the district. He decided that it would probably be best to keep me at Rann, and I agreed with him. I think we are beginning to get in a groove as a staff, understanding each others wants and needs better, and realizing that we are in it for what's best for our kids. I am very excited to begin my third year with all of you. I know we are on the verge of exploding with great potential for our students and each of us. I think the consistent communication every six weeks or so through the RTI process was a huge way of supporting you, determining which strategies would work best for our kids, and creating a plan to meet our students needs. The continual practice and immediate feedback our students received through tutorials, extra intervention, CEI lab, and aids giving extra academic support was a tremendous help also. What moved us from ordinary to extraordinary I believe was doing the ordinary things more often and with more focus and consistency than the others. Winners are not made the day of the game, but many hours of blood, sweat,and tears poured out earlier in the season. That is what it's all about. We put the hours upfront with the students through hard work, practice and repetition, immediate feedback for correction, and the by product is success! This is the plan, this is what we all must follow, and this will continue to produce strong students, thrilled teachers, and ecstatic parents! Way to go Rann, you truly are Exemplary Eagles. Let's go forth and shine!