In one of the Charlie Brown cartoons Charlie tells his friends, "I taught my dog to whistle." As all of his friends gather around Snoopy spellbound waiting to hear him whistle, nothing happens. His friends become annoyed and tell Charlie, "I thought you said your dog could whistle!" Charlie replies, "I taught my dog to whistle; I never said he learned!" WOW! This may be Charlie Brown's answer, however with the stringent requirements facing schools today, NCLB says all students will reach proficiency by the year 2014! This speaks directly to all of us and the high accountability we face as educators. Some things to ponder as we near the year 2014,
What do you know about the content area you teach?
What do you do about meeting the learning needs of all your students?
How do you learn in order to meet your optimal learning needs?
How do you react or approach an unfamiliar task?
As you think on yourself as a learner, share with the rest of us. We can support and learn from each other. We don't all learn the same way.
Now use these same questions for the students you have in your classroom each day. These are great questions to help you begin to understand and learn more about your students in order to serve them better.