Sunday, September 19, 2010

"I taught my dog to whistle."

In one of the Charlie Brown cartoons Charlie tells his friends, "I taught my dog to whistle." As all of his friends gather around Snoopy spellbound waiting to hear him whistle, nothing happens. His friends become annoyed and tell Charlie, "I thought you said your dog could whistle!" Charlie replies, "I taught my dog to whistle; I never said he learned!" WOW! This may be Charlie Brown's answer, however with the stringent requirements facing schools today, NCLB says all students will reach proficiency by the year 2014! This speaks directly to all of us and the high accountability we face as educators. Some things to ponder as we near the year 2014,

What do you know about the content area you teach?
What do you do about meeting the learning needs of all your students?
How do you learn in order to meet your optimal learning needs?
How do you react or approach an unfamiliar task?

As you think on yourself as a learner, share with the rest of us. We can support and learn from each other. We don't all learn the same way.

Now use these same questions for the students you have in your classroom each day. These are great questions to help you begin to understand and learn more about your students in order to serve them better.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

"For most of my life I have believed that success is found in the running of the race.How you run the race-your planning, preparation, practice, and performance-counts for everything. Winning or loosing is a by product, and aftereffect, of that effort. For me it's the quality of your effort that counts most and offers the greatest and most long lasting satisfaction." John Wooden

A super effort given by all today that would have pleased even John Wooden. The time and effort put in up front to assure a smooth day paid off. The planning and preparation for dismissal, lunch times, class list, and arrival of students was very manageable with a few tweaks for tomorrow. Let's continue with the rules and procedures to assure all have them down correctly. This will make our year so much better. For those of you that may not know this, Lana had the opportunity to greet bus students this morn, and her first student to greet was our one and only Mr. Townsend. This sends a huge message to me that we are not in this alone. He stood with her while she did her bus duty and greeted our kids too. Pretty impressive if I have to say so myself. Never in my educational years have I had a superintendent ride the bus to school. Very few glitches happened, even in the office. I want to say Hip Hip Hooray to everyone for a fantastic start to what is going to be a Super Year. Keep up the good work, and know that the time spent up front in planning and preparation is never wasted.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Exemplary Eagles

Well it's official, Rann Elementary is a TEA Exemplary Campus! I am so proud for each of you, it was a long time coming and very deserving. At times like this you reflect upon what was it that made this year different from the past years, and why did it take so long for Rann to get here? I don't have the answer as none of us do, but we each have our thoughts as to possible reasons why. Last year Dr. Gindt came to me when they were beginning to think about who would be the principal at Young. We discussed the possibility of me moving over there, would have loved the new building and stuff..., but I told him that I felt Rann needed consistency, and change of admin again would not be a good thing, however I would do whatever he felt was best for the district. He decided that it would probably be best to keep me at Rann, and I agreed with him. I think we are beginning to get in a groove as a staff, understanding each others wants and needs better, and realizing that we are in it for what's best for our kids. I am very excited to begin my third year with all of you. I know we are on the verge of exploding with great potential for our students and each of us. I think the consistent communication every six weeks or so through the RTI process was a huge way of supporting you, determining which strategies would work best for our kids, and creating a plan to meet our students needs. The continual practice and immediate feedback our students received through tutorials, extra intervention, CEI lab, and aids giving extra academic support was a tremendous help also. What moved us from ordinary to extraordinary I believe was doing the ordinary things more often and with more focus and consistency than the others. Winners are not made the day of the game, but many hours of blood, sweat,and tears poured out earlier in the season. That is what it's all about. We put the hours upfront with the students through hard work, practice and repetition, immediate feedback for correction, and the by product is success! This is the plan, this is what we all must follow, and this will continue to produce strong students, thrilled teachers, and ecstatic parents! Way to go Rann, you truly are Exemplary Eagles. Let's go forth and shine!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What Happened to Summer Vacation Time?

WOW, the month of June just flew by. It was packed with workshops, finishing things for 2009-10, and getting ready to embark upon 2010-2011. I haven't had much time to enjoy our summer so far. I know many of you have also been busy with workshops, moving, and planning for next year. In June a group of us went to the CSCOPE conference in San Antonio. We came away with a variety of things to do and many reassurances that we have been on the right track. That was a great feeling. I went to one session on Parent Nights and even won "The Best of the Mama's and Papa's" CD. I was pretty excited, since I seem to never be one of the lucky ones when it comes to winning things. The session had some great ideas that I think we will be able to use this year with our parents. The building is still a mess, lots of painting going on, things still need to be moved, textbooks piled in the halls, and cleaning going on all around. Hopefully this next month we will begin to see things coming together. I am really looking forward to next year! We have a lot of good things going on and are on the curve upward for even greater things to begin happening at Rann. I know some of you have had the chance to meet Lana Thompson, the new AP, when you have been at school. She officially does not begin work till the last part of July, but she has been at Rann helping get things together, leading book studies when I have been called away to central, and lending a hand where ever it needs to be. She is pretty excited to be with us! Our theme for next year will be sports related, all of them, just take your pick, "We're in the Game for Kids!" Our student's needs change seasonally, as do the sports we partake in, and with each new season comes a burst of excitement and passion to do your best. We too are like this at Rann. As coaches we are continually striving to do better than the season before, always looking for new ways to help our students shine! So get your game plan and be ready to begin two a days soon! We are going all the way this year. THINK EXEMPLARY!!!! It can happen AGAIN!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Anybody Out There????

Hey everyone hope your summer has started off with a bang! I know I have been very busy, have actually only been on campus about 3 days. I went to Austin last week for the Elementary Principal Conference, got lots of good ideas, today I went to Tango Data Analysis Training at central, it was great!, will be at Keller for the next two days with Thinking Map Leadership Training, and then at San Antonio next week for the CSCOPE conference! I need to do some work at school, but just haven't had the chance to stay there long enough to get my thoughts together. I know you all have LA textbook training this week, I hope it is going good. Heard from a few of you that went to the Mentoring training that it was good. Let me know who is reading and receiving this, I would like to use it this summer for some discussions, so respond back to me so I will know. Also you can put post on here too, and start new strands. This is one goal for the new year, use more technology with us through a variety of ways. Have a great day and see you around!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hang On, We're Almost There!

Thanks to everyone who was able to come over yesterday afternoon and wish our teachers leaving us a "Bon Voyage" on their way to Young, 6th grade campus, or where ever their path may take them. We need more times like this to set back, relax, socialize, and laugh with each other. Laughter is the medicine we all need in our busy lives to help us relieve some stress. I know I haven't had enough of that lately, because it's settling around the middle. If you missed it, our very own poet Jenna, created a poem for you all. Perhaps she will put it on our blog for everyone to see, (by the way I have fixed it where it is only us viewing this). So take a breather this weekend, enjoy some family time, and put a little something on our blog we all can enjoy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

RTI Monday

Today we had all of second in for our weekly RTI meetings. There are so many good things happening with our kids in second and at Rann, that you wonder what it is that is causing them to lag behind. In second they are beginning to make the transition from phonics to becoming a fluent reader, and understanding the comprehension of a text or book. The RTI committee began discussing this in between teachers, trying to pinpoint what exactly was holding our kids back. We began talking about Guided Reading Groups and how they looked in the classrooms. We came to the conclusion that perhaps this was an area that probably needed to be addressed as a campus. As a campus we all need to reflect upon what Guided Reading looks like in our rooms and share in a group setting. Some of the RTI committee said that Rann had training on this several years back, and there weren't many left from that initial group. The components of Guided Reading can be very powerful if done correctly, and our students could really benefit from this program. In order for us to improve we must look at the cold hard facts set before us,and examine them closely for ways to improve. In the book, The Other 90%, Robert Cooper tells this story, "An interviewer visiting Thomas Edison's laboratory asked him, "What are the rules you want me to observe while I am here?" "XXXX,there are no rules around here!" Edison replied. "In this laboratory we're trying to accomplish something!" That is the way we feel in these RTI meetings. We have no rules or perfect answers, we're just trying to accomplish something and find what works for each kid, experimenting often. I know this year we have tried many different things in the grade levels to meet our students where they are, let's continue thinking out of the box and trying new experiments!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Here we go...

Just created a blog for us to use when we have discussions about various topics at Rann. We are all super busy and I thought this would be a good way for us to communicate after hours. That seems to be the only time we have a little time to breathe. If any of you have ideas or topics you would like to discuss just post them on our new Rann's Ramblings blog. I hope this is very beneficial for all and it becomes second nature for us to check on a weekly basis. This is new to me so we'll see if I get it all going right.
